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On the Importance of Choosing the Right Dissertation Topic

A wise man once said – “Manage to begin something and know you’ve already done half of the work”. Maybe that’s too radical, but if you think of it, things always seem the hardest at the beginning. This works for everything – including academic writing, where it’s extremely important to start properly. You see, when you’re trying to pick a topic for dissertation, there are several problems you will encounter initially or later. It’s extremely important for every student to know how to cope with them, or there won’t be a way to complete the task successfully.

Popular and unpopular topics for dissertations

One widespread mistake is that it’s easy to write dissertations on popular topics. Think, if ten people take one topic simultaneously, will there be enough materials to produce ten different papers? Absolutely not. Even when the topics are slightly different, you’ll be forced to use the same information someone else has already submitted, which leads to poor originality of works. Unpopular dissertation topics, on the other hand bring you another bunch of problems. First of all, there’s much less information available to process, so you’ll spend a lot of time just gathering the needed materials. Secondly, a dissertation topic may be unpopular just because the matter isn’t pressing at all. No one would like to see a dissertation, written on something not really important to science. That is just a waste of paper and time.

Calculated prediction

The anticipation of your future work is extremely important because when you have full understanding of what you have to do, the efficiency of your work gets a dramatic increase. When your browsing topics for dissertations – try to plan ahead and conduct a simple research on multiple factors:

  • Availability of materials
  • Popularity of the topic
  • Your own aptitude

If you find out that you have a lot of sources and the topic is really interesting for you as well as for the others – take it. But let just one of this factors turn out negative – then it’s really not recommended to choose such a topic initially. You’ll most certainly get stuck in the middle with no idea what to do next. Keep in mind that your dissertation is one of the most important papers you’ll ever write in your life, so you have no right to fail. Only through careful planning and research you can pick the proper topic. This way you won’t have a hard time writing the dissertation and will most certainly succeed with it.

The final tip

Do you know why you should pay more attention to your dissertation writing? Because most employers do! Every company may be interested in your diploma, but their HR departments understand very well that it’s only a document that means you’ve graduated. Only the success of your dissertation shows real practical skills that you possess. Rather than hiring a bunch of useless people with good diplomas, they’d choose one with a fine dissertation. Don’t miss your chance to ensure a better future.

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Excellent job as always. It would be a good idea to keep working with your team. Thank you!

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This paper is entirely what I want except for one point: it's a little bit longer than it was supposed to be. But it's still awesome! Thank you!

John, US



Disclaimer: The papers, written by dissertationmonster.com are meant to serve as examples for your own work. You’re strongly discouraged to use them in any way other than learning and skill developing purposes.