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We are a team of academic experts who are sharing their thoughts, ideas and expertize with English speaking graduate students struggling with their writing.

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Make Your Dissertation Shine

It is everyone’s goal that is writing a dissertation, to not only get it done, but complete it well.  Making the dissertation you have poured your time, energy, blood, sweat, and tears into for weeks and months now.  But how do you go about making your dissertation shine?  That is really the main question.  As the writer, you want to make it a something you are proud of.    Here are some tips that will turn a dissertation into a shiny piece of art that you can be proud of.



It is a trite phrase, “practice makes perfect” but only because it’s true.  If you practice writing daily, d your skill level of writing will improve.  You will begin to mature in your writing.  Which means, when you write the final draft of your paper, using your increased skill set, your writing is much more polished than when your first sat down.



Finding the right research for the project and subject matter is imperative, but researching the proper terminology is also important. In order to make a your final dissertation shine, Take the time to find out how to speak in the proper tone, language and phrases.  Also take the time to look up the proper and in date grammar rules.  


In creative writing, there are three drafts.  The downdraft, the up draft and the final.  In the downdraft, the goal is to just get it out.  The up draft is when you fix it up, make the edits and this is the draft that is the most important.  This is the draft when you make sense of what you put down.  Find the erroneous commas, typos, misspellings and all the problems.  This is when you can change sentence structure, make all the changes.  This is a good practice in all forms of writing.  

Peer Reviews

Having peers or trusted writers review your work, gives you a chance to get real feedback on what you have said. When you spend months looking at the same words, they begin to jumble and lose meaning.  When your peers look over it, they can point out the dysfunctions, grammar error, and typos.   

It is stressful and overwhelming when it comes to completing a task such as a dissertation, and it might seem redundant to keep going over it. To keep polishing it, but the more polish you add to the piece, the better it will look when you turn it in.  

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